Two of my good friends have taken on "Project 365" and have inspired me to do the same. Basically, the goal is to take one picture everyday for a year and to post the picture along with a brief description. It's been quite interesting and entertaining to follow these women's adventures and while I don't anticipate my posts to be as exciting as a new college grad or someone studying/traveling in Europe, I thought this would be a unique way to document the first year of the littles' lives. I can just about guarantee that this blog will not be updated daily and perhaps not even weekly, but I'll give it my best effort to post on a regular basis. My hope is that this will be a popular site for the grandparents, godparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, and friends of the littles and that this can be a fun way to watch them grow.

*November, 2011* We made it through the year, and I thought perhaps I'd try to redesign the blog for the future, intermittent updates. But, this twin mom is going to keep it simple and just keep going. Do not expect daily photos; we'll just post highlights from now on. Enjoy.

Monday, October 3, 2011


September 29, 2011
"Bye-bye" photo of the day project! It's been 365 days and while I didn't capture a photo every single day, I did pretty well (I did a quick count and missed about 35 days). I can't quite believe that an entire year has passed - everyone was right, it does happen so quickly! I feel like it was just yesterday when Ben and I were up in the middle of the night using just about every pillow in the house to prop up and feed our tiny little babies on this very chair. Now they are climbing all over it.

Josie and Noah have taught me way too many things to list, but here are a few of my reflections:
- I/we are so incredibly blessed!
- We are forever indebted to all of the family and friends who helped us get through this first year +
- Life's easier when I don't take it all so seriously
- You can always change your plans
- Sometimes dancing makes everything better
- Hugs ALWAYS make everything better
- It's okay for me to make mistakes (and typos); it'll give the littles the example and space they need to do they same as they experience all life has to offer
- Be careful what you do and say, because they are always watching and listening
- Live in and appreciate the moment

I'll continue to update the blog periodically with Josie and Noah's crazy antics (I think the grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles would kill me if I didn't). But I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I'm happy to have accomplished my goal - now on to the next project...any suggestions?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Can't keep up

September 28, 2011
I could not believe it when I turned to find Noah trying to use the refrigerator water dispenser (thank goodness it has a locking feature). How do I stay one step ahead of these kids?

Schollenberger Park

September 27, 2011
Took a walk around Schollenberger Park this hot afternoon and Josie and Noah did great. They much prefer the wagon to the stroller when we're just on a walk. We had a good time catching up with our friends Jennifer and twins Lily and Marybeth. By the end of the walk Josie and Noah were so warm, they had the rosiest cheeks I've seen.

Call and Answer

September 26, 2011
Some twin Mama friends and I spent the morning chasing after our kiddos at the Schulz Museum. They all really enjoyed the tub of water, and I was happy to catch Josie and Noah's twin connection on video. The "eeeyyyyy" that you hear in the background is Josie.

Rainy Day

September 25, 2011
Despite the thick mist, we headed out to check out some farms as part of the "Farm Trails" event. Upon arriving at our first designation, the weather was just too wet, so we decided to turn around. As we headed back into town the rain began to let up so we thought we'd check out the Antique Fair in downtown, only for it to begin raining again as we parked the car. So, back home we went, lunched and napped. That afternoon, the sun made an appearance and headed back to downtown.


September 24, 2011
The morning was spent driving around town checking out garage sales. We're on a hunt for some sort of small indoor play structure/slide to help with the cabin fever come this winter. We ended up with a few free balls and Josie and Noah enjoyed playing with them and the freedom of the open space in our huge backyard (Casa Grande HS).

Why is it so QUIET?

September 23, 2011
After stepping out of the room for just a moment, things got quiet (and that's when any parent knows it's time to worry). When I checked in, I saw that Josie and Noad had discovered the linen closet. Josie is too short to open the doors, so she must have had her brother do the dirty work. (I needed to reorganize that closet anyway, so it was good motivation.)

Sibling Love...or Rivalry?

September 22, 2011
Just another average day around here. While playing, Josie plopped herself down and I told Noah "Josie needs a hug." So he sat beside her and put his head on her belly a few times (enough times for me to grab the camera). When he continued, Josie let him know she'd had enough.