Two of my good friends have taken on "Project 365" and have inspired me to do the same. Basically, the goal is to take one picture everyday for a year and to post the picture along with a brief description. It's been quite interesting and entertaining to follow these women's adventures and while I don't anticipate my posts to be as exciting as a new college grad or someone studying/traveling in Europe, I thought this would be a unique way to document the first year of the littles' lives. I can just about guarantee that this blog will not be updated daily and perhaps not even weekly, but I'll give it my best effort to post on a regular basis. My hope is that this will be a popular site for the grandparents, godparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, and friends of the littles and that this can be a fun way to watch them grow.

*November, 2011* We made it through the year, and I thought perhaps I'd try to redesign the blog for the future, intermittent updates. But, this twin mom is going to keep it simple and just keep going. Do not expect daily photos; we'll just post highlights from now on. Enjoy.

Friday, July 29, 2011


July 29, 2011
Josie has her TWO pacifiers, one in her mouth and one in her hand...AND Noah's pacifier and Noah's blankie.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


July 28, 2011
Dad and the kiddos ran some errands in the morning and then cleaned the house in the afternoon. Noah wasn't too much help. Here, he's hiding from the vacuum while never taking his eyes off of it. At one point I looked over and his little butt was all I could see as he was crouched all the way down keeping an eye on the vacuum through the space under the bench.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Sweet Rainbow

July 27, 2011
I've waited since our baby shower to put this on Josie and she's finally big enough for it. I think she likes her dress too! (Thanks CAW!)

SSU even on a day off

July 26, 2011
We were thrilled to bump into our friends LJ and Sydney as we arrived at Costco. And I couldn't be that close to SSU without stopping in at the Grill during lunch time. Josie and Noah had a great time flirting with all of their friends and exploring their surroundings. Thanks Mo for distracting the littles so I could eat my lunch and thanks Jaime and Jena for chasing my monkeys around.

Reunited with our Friends

July 25, 2011
It was wonderful to reconnect with our twin friends after missing out on our play dates because I was working. I can't believe that Marybeth (7 months old) is just about as big as Jo. Elizabeth (in the rocking chair) and her brother Michael were fantastic hosts.


July 24, 2011
The Kirschs will be moving to North Carolina soon, so we went to Berkeley to spend the day with them and say goodbye :( We had good intentions to take a photo of the seven cousins together (we missed the Puocis), but it just didn't happen. Sorry Nonna.

Quack Quack

July 23, 2011
Josie and Noah love to quack so it was fun for them to meet a real duck at the Petaluma Farmers Market. (A woman at the market stopped to tell us that Josie "is the smallest walker" she's ever seen.)


June 22, 2011
We headed to Oakland for a spontaneous play date with one of my best friends Louisa and her little Jane. Josie and Noah had a great time playing with a big kid (and I loved the fact that there was an employee sanitizing all of the toys almost immediately after the kids put them down. Yes, I'm a germaphobe). I discovered that I need to get/make maracas for the littles; they didn't put them down the entire time.
(Also, we're officially out of formula. It'll feel weird when I don't by an entire flat the next time I'm at Costco!)

Jambes En L'Air

July 21, 2011
I sometimes call my little girl "jambe en l'air" and anyone (who speaks French) who has watched her play can understand why.

Giants and Snakes

July 20, 2011
For the most part, I agree with all of the people who tell me that they think Noah is one of the happiest babies they've ever met. Here's a picture to prove that he does have his moments, and another picture to prove that, lucky for us, they are very short lived. (Perhaps Noah was having a premonition that the Giants would lose that day). In the afternoon, we headed to the farmers market. Students from the Petaluma High museum were there with various animals. Noah initially looked at the snake with a "you want me to touch what?!" expression, but after seeing Josie reach right over, he gave it a try. Before heading home we picked up some frozen yogurt which the littles tried for the first time. They are not fans. I'll keep trying.

Freakishly Strong

July 19, 2011
Taking advantage of a mid-week day off, Ben and I decided to explore a new park and meet up with Breenes. Ben wanted to see what Noah would do on the monkey bars and like father like son, our boy is "freakishly strong."

First Harvest

July 18, 2011
After harvesting our first crop of the summer, Josie and Noah enjoyed playing with the yellow squash. They don't so much enjoy eating it...yet.

Can't Get Any Lower

July 17, 2011
After several mornings of hearing "click click click click" followed by laughter, as well as witnessing Noah's initial (and fortunately futile) attempts at climbing out of his crib, we decided to lower his mattress to the floor. Hopefully this fix lasts for another year, but I'm not holding my breath.

In Person

July 16, 2011
A little over a year ago, this crazy bunch piled in my bed with me while I was in my final stretch of bed rest. We all laughed while we watched the crazy shapes into which Josie and Noah were contorting my belly. Now, Val and Juj, in from Montreal, got to meet the littles in person and laugh at all of their shenanigans.
(Josie also figured out how to climb into the toy box today.)


July 15, 2011
A couple of months back at my old desk job is all it took. Fortunately, Dr. Rev. Josephine fit the family in for an adjustment. After she checked Josie and Noah, Ben took them home on the bike, while I got everything back in alignment. It was Dr. Rev. Jo's healing hands that allowed me carry the littles to full term!

A New Favorite Spot

July 14, 2011
Our little book worm loves to cuddle up on the body pillow we leave out in the living room. I hope she keeps her love of books throughout her life!

Mom's Ours Again

July 13, 2011
After the last official orientation session, I was happy to arrive home to my kids with the knowledge that there would be no more long days away from them. (There's no post for July 11 because I was out of the house for work for 15 hours.) Only a few more weeks as a working mom.

Our Randomness

July 12, 2011
This video is to document the complete randomness of our children. We know it's likely funny only to us, but here's a brief play-by-play explanation:
- We start with Dad playing the chase game with Josie and Noah that they so love
- Noah calls Dad's bluff and decides to bang and kick on the floor instead of running and he finds that hilarious; all the while Josie acts as though she's lost interest and explores the door
- Josie heads down the hall and realizes Dad is on her tail, so she kicks it into her version of high gear. She doesn't actually move any faster but seems to kick her legs higher and squeal with excitement
- Noah responds to her squeal and the two screech back and forth to one another (you'll hear me sigh "oh no" because I'm definitely seeing the writing on the wall for the development of their own language and that means trouble)
- Both become bored with the game and Noah gives us his fake cry
This is a pretty typical random couple of minutes of "free play" around here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bam Bam

July 10, 2011
Godfather Phil had the perfect name for Noah - he called him Bam Bam. I was reminded of the nickname when Noah started throwing this ball (it's heavy and intended for rolling). I love his "I'm not up to anything; don't mind me" serious expression.


July 9, 2011
Time to chart their growth. It'll be interesting to see if Josie ever catches up with Noah.

Seeing Double

July 8, 2011
Godfather Phil and Melody, and their twin nieces stopped in for a surprise visit on their way to Safari West.
(As a side note, Noah can now reach the top of the light switch, so he can turn the light on too. I heard a "click click click click" very early in the morning. Good thing it's on a dimmer so he can't wake up Josie with a bright light)


July 7, 2011 there something more to this obsession? She seeks this toy out.


July 6, 2011
Nonna bought Noah a Noah's Ark "Little People" set and Josie's favorite character is Noah. She walks around the house with him in her mouth.

Last Day in Town

July 5, 2011
We had a mellow last day in Crescent City and were sad to say goodbye to Wade, Auntie Abby and Grandma and Grandpa.

The 4th

July 4, 2011
We celebrated with the best of them in Crescent City. The day began with the annual parade where Josie and Noah met just about everyone in town. It was fun to see the parade both through their eyes and through the eyes of Nonna and Nonno. Immediately after the parade we went to Beach Front park for the "fair." We then too a walk to the beach and Josie and Noah were not a fan of their first experience with sand. Back at the Holley's we enjoyed the traditional clam chowder feast and visits from all the local friends. Everyone bundled up and headed out for the fireworks. I stayed behind (and stayed warm) while Josie and Noah slept soundly through the firework show.

The River

July 3, 2011
We spent the day up at the cabin and took Josie and Noah to see the Smith River. It was much too cold to get them in the water, but they'll be spending a great deal of time here in future years. Grandma made a wonderful lunch for all of us and Nonna and Nonno couldn't believe how beautiful and peaceful it is in Gasquet. Grandpa and Nonno were the only ones to brave the river on a fishing adventure.

Crescent City

July 2, 2011
We arrived in Crescent City during the wee hours of the morning. After some sleep, Josie was thrilled to spend some time with her friend the "woohwoohf." Noah couldn't understand why Korky had to be in the cage (it was for Korky's own protection). We ended the day with a swing and Nonna and Grandma got in on the action.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

ONE-derful Year

July 1, 2011
I'm going to have to come back to this post and add some thoughts...there are too many running through my mind and I just don't think I can put together some coherent sentences that will help document the amazing year we've had with these two incredibly beautiful souls.

(July 26) I'm back. Bennett and I were reminiscing about this year, so I thought it would be appropriate to list some of our favorite things here.

  • Josie folding her body in half as she dozed to sleep after being fed
  • Noah's jazz hands when he was startled
  • Josie's arms floating in the air as though there were invisible helium balloons attached to her wrists
  • Noah flicking his hand as though shooting an imaginary basketball while feeding
  • Both Josie and Noah becoming conditioned to the flash and squinting they're eyes whenever I approached with the camera
  • Both Josie and Noah being soothed only when placed in physical contact with the other when super fussy
  • Noah stealing any toy Josie was playing with
  • Josie using the strength of her voice to tell her brother off and get her toy back
  • Noah being afraid of nothing except the vacuum, dad's elephant noise, and Josie's big-girl voice
  • Josie being afraid of nothing but losing her balance
  • Noah waving hi to strangers as they walk by
  • Josie saying hi whenever she hears a door open or close
  • Noah running on his toes (he used to run on the top side of his toes/with his toes tucked under) and balancing by using his shoulders
  • Josie walking cautiously with her arms outstretched for balance
  • Noah eating as many puffs as he can fit in his mouth at one time
  • Josie needing her milk to be the perfect temperature
  • Both bouncing in their cribs
  • Both loving to be chased up and to chase each other
  • Both singing (on bike rides, in the car, when they go to sleep)
  • Both having a conversation and making each other laugh when they should be napping
There's so much more, but this is just a glimpse. It truly has been an incredible year!

Nonna and Nonno

June 30, 2011
Nonna and Nonno arrived to visit for a few days and to go with us on our trip to Crescent City. Josie and Noah wanted to show off their new playing fields and give Nonna and Nonno a chance to stretch their legs after their long drive.

Our New Gate and Big Backyard

June 29, 2011
Bennett installed a gate in our back fence that leads directly to the fields at Casa Grande High. We love playing in our new backyard!

Save Daddy

June 28, 2011
Bennett was in the office vacuuming and the littles were concerned for his safety. They kept trying to get to him in what seemed like attempts to check in on him.

Gotta Love Bath Nite

June 27, 2011
I can't help but love this face. Bath nite means a lot more coordination around here, but the laughter and smiles make it all worth it.