December 25, 2011 *Christmas Morning*
Josie and Noah as they see and explore their Christmas gift, first thing in the morning. This video is terribly dark for three reasons: 1) The littles wake up FAR too early in the morning. 2) We don't have any lamps in the room because we can't make them "child-proof." 3) I didn't think to bring in lamps, use the night-vision or whatever else might have made for a better video.
But, it captures the moment for the most part. It's a long and somewhat boring video, but it really is a testament to their little personalities: Noah greets all of us; Josie asks where Nonno is (which she continued to do until he woke up); Noah pushes Josie and she screams at him; Josie tells herself "bravo" when she successfully climbs out...
I'm aware that this post is completely self-indulgent, but I think it will be fun to look back on it with the kids in the future. And I know Nonna and Nonno will watch it over and over, even though they can only really listen to it.